Monday, 27 April 2015

Configuring SNMPv3 user/trap in Brocade Switch

In this post, I will take you through the steps to configure SNMPv3 User and SNMPv3 traps. This is required to configure alerting and monitoring for your switch.

The following examples list how to configure SNMPv3 users/traps.
  1. Enter snmpconfig --set snmpv3 to create the SNMPv3 user.
    switch:admin> snmpconfig --set snmpv3
    SNMP Informs Enabled (true, t, false, f): [true] t
    SNMPv3 user configuration(snmp user not configured in FOS user database will 
    have physical AD and admin role as the default):
    User (rw): [snmpadmin1] fabric_admin
    Auth Protocol [MD5(1)/SHA(2)/noAuth(3)]: (1..3) [3] 1
    New Auth Passwd:
    Verify Auth Passwd:
    Priv Protocol [DES(1)/noPriv(2)/AES128(3)/AES256(4)]): (1..4) [2] 4
    New Priv Passwd:
    Verify Priv Passwd:
    Engine ID: [00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00] 80:00:05:23:01:0A:xx:xx:xx
    User (rw): [snmpadmin2]
    Auth Protocol [MD5(1)/SHA(2)/noAuth(3)]: (1..3) [3] 1
    New Auth Passwd:
    Verify Auth Passwd:
    Priv Protocol [DES(1)/noPriv(2)/AES128(3)/AES256(4)]): (1..4) [2]
    Engine ID: [00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00]
    User (rw): [snmpadmin3]
    Auth Protocol [MD5(1)/SHA(2)/noAuth(3)]: (1..3) [3]
    Priv Protocol [DES(1)/noPriv(2)/AES128(3)/AES256(4)]): (2..2) [2]
    Engine ID: [00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00]
    User (ro): [snmpuser1]
    Auth Protocol [MD5(1)/SHA(2)/noAuth(3)]: (1..3) [3]
    Priv Protocol [DES(1)/noPriv(2)/AES128(3)/AES256(4)]): (2..2) [2]
    Engine ID: [00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00]
    User (ro): [snmpuser2]
    Auth Protocol [MD5(1)/SHA(2)/noAuth(3)]: (1..3) [3]
    Priv Protocol [DES(1)/noPriv(2)/AES128(3)/AES256(4)]): (2..2) [2]
    Engine ID: [00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00]
    User (ro): [snmpuser2]
    Auth Protocol [MD5(1)/SHA(2)/noAuth(3)]: (1..3) [3]
    Priv Protocol [DES(1)/noPriv(2)/AES128(3)/AES256(4)]): (2..2) [2]
    Engine ID: [00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00]
    SNMPv3 trap recipient configuration:
    SNMPv3 trap recipient configuration:
    Trap Recipient's IP address : [] xx.yy.zz.00
    UserIndex: (1..6) [1]
    Trap recipient Severity level : (0..5) [0] 5
    Trap recipient Port : (0..65535) [162]
    Trap Recipient's IP address : [] xx.yy.zz.11
    UserIndex: (1..6) [2]
    Trap recipient Severity level : (0..5) [0] 5
    Trap recipient Port : (0..65535) [162]
    Trap Recipient's IP address : []
    Trap Recipient's IP address : []
    Trap Recipient's IP address : []
    Trap Recipient's IP address : []
    Committing configuration.....done.
    switch:admin> snmpconfig --show snmpv3
    SNMP Informs = 1 (ON)
    SNMPv3 USM configuration:
    User 1 (rw): fabric_admin
            Auth Protocol: MD5
            Priv Protocol: AES256
            Engine ID: 80:00:05:23:01:0A:xx:xx:xx
    User 2 (rw): snmpadmin2
            Auth Protocol: MD5
            Priv Protocol: noPriv
            Engine ID: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
    User 3 (rw): snmpadmin3
            Auth Protocol: noAuth
            Priv Protocol: noPriv
            Engine ID: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
    User 4 (ro): snmpuser1
            Auth Protocol: noAuth
            Priv Protocol: noPriv
            Engine ID: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
    User 5 (ro): snmpuser2
            Auth Protocol: noAuth
            Priv Protocol: noPriv
            Engine ID: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
    User 6 (ro): admin
            Auth Protocol: noAuth
            Priv Protocol: noPriv
            Engine ID: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
    SNMPv3 Trap configuration:
    Trap Entry 1:     xx.yy.zz.00
        Trap Port: 162
        Trap User: fabric_admin
        Trap recipient Severity level: 5
    Trap Entry 2:     xx.yy.zz.11
        Trap Port: 162
        Trap User: snmpadmin2
       Trap recipient Severity level: 5
    Trap Entry 3:     No trap recipient configured yet
    Trap Entry 4:     No trap recipient configured yet
    Trap Entry 5:     No trap recipient configured yet
    Trap Entry 6:     No trap recipient configured yet

    To display the test traps associated with the real MIBs supported in Fabric OS:
    switch:admin> snmpTraps --show
    #  |Mib Name        |Supported Traps
    001|SW-MIB          |sw-track-changes-trap           
       |                |sw-fabric-watch-trap            
       |                |sw-fc-port-scn                  
       |                |ip-v6-change-trap               
       |                |sw-pmgr-event-trap              
       |                |sw-event-trap                   
       |                |sw-fabric-reconfig-trap         
       |                |sw-fabric-segment-trap          
       |                |sw-state-change-trap            
       |                |sw-zone-config-change-trap      
       |                |sw-port-move-trap               
       |                |sw-brcd-generic-trap            
       |                |sw-device-status-trap           
    002|FICON-MIB       |link-rnid-device-registration   
       |                |link-rnid-device-deregistration 
       |                |link-lirr-listener-added        
       |                |link-lirr-listener-removed      
       |                |link-rlir-failure-incident      
    003|FA-MIB          |conn-unit-status-change         
       |                |conn-unit-sensor-status-change  
       |                |conn-unit-port-status-change    
       |                |conn-unit-event-trap            
    004|MIB-2           |cold-restart-trap               
       |                |warm-restart-trap               
    005|IF-MIB          |if-link-up-trap                 
       |                |if-link-down-trap               
    006|RFC1157         |snmp-authetication-trap         
    007|HA-MIB          |fru-status-change-trap          
       |                |fru-history-trap                
       |                |cp-status-change-trap           
    008|BD-MIB          |bd-trap                         
       |                |bd-clear-trap                   
       |                |t11ZsMergeSuccessNotify         
       |                |t11ZsMergeFailureNotify         
       |                |t11ZsDefZoneChangeNotify        
       |                |t11ZsActivateNotify   
    To send all traps to the configured recipients:
    switch:admin> snmpTraps --send
    Number of traps sent : 30
    To send all traps to the recipient xx:yy:zz:00:
    switch:admin> snmpTraps --send -ip_address xx:yy:zz:00
    Number of traps sent : 30
    To send the sw-fc-port-scn trap to the configured recipients:
    switch:admin> snmpTraps --send -trap_name sw-fc-port-scn
    Number of traps sent : 1
    To send the sw-fc-port-scn trap to the recipient xx:yy:zz:00:
    switch:admin> snmpTraps --send -trap_name sw-fc-port-scn -ip_address xx:yy:zz:00
    Number of traps sent : 1
    To unblock port traps on all the ports or on a specific port:
    switch:admin> snmptraps --unblock -ports ALL
    switch:admin>  snmptraps --unblock -port  1/10
    To block port traps on slot 1 and port 10:
    Switch:admin> snmptraps --block -port  1/10